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Winning Strategies

  1. Embrace Responsibility

    • Fully own your actions and outcomes.

  2. Evaluate Your Inner Circle

    • Assess who you spend most of your time with.

  3. Adopt a "Fix-It" Mindset

    • Think solutions-first.

    • Focus on the resolution.

  4. Focus on 'Who' Instead of 'How' if there are challenges, ask yourself who has already solved this problem and model them

  5. Tackle Larger Challenges

    • Seek out bigger problems to address. don't major in minor

  6. Persist Until Success (Inspired by Og Mandino) never give up-never surrender

  7. Navigate Your Own Path

    • Be cautious about taking advice avoid being easily swayed by others.

  8. Make Small Adjustments

    • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs.

    • Avoid negative media if it affects your mood.

    • Maintain a calm and positive energy for effective trading.

    • Observe and analyze your habits.

  9. Take Courageous Actions embrace the unknown and step out of your comfort zone

  10. Approach Each Day with Love (Inspired by Og Mandino)

    • Differentiate yourself through genuine care and love. the more you care for others, the more you will create experiences that will make you love yourself more



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