when smaller time frames aren't favorable
best practice when smaller time frames aren't favorable for participation, I zoom out to get an overview of the bigger picture and typically that makes me happy since these time frame struggles alternate
and like most of the time-when position trades struggle the larger time frames blossom
and tadaaaaaaa
is this one beauty of a chart or not?
(we still have a whole month for the very right candle to mature but just imagine we close gold prices somewhere where they are trading now for the year
than i would say:
winner winner, wagu steak dinner
which leads to another trading principle not favorable to the human psyche
we are used to from our upbringing to a cause and effect principle
if you take a shovel and start digging a hole you see every day after digging a deeper hole and can measure the effect by measuring how much dirt you have misplaced
and if you have a 9-5 job even if you did that one day a bit less of digging you still get paid the same amount of hourly wages
trading isn't like this
it isn't satisfying an expectation of:"I want to make a $100 every day."
no matter how much you dig the reward distribution isn't in relation to that effort in real time
there are times when irrespective of ones daily process discipline there is less success in extracting money from the markets,
and there is times also not in relation to ones daily process discipline, money inflow can be plentiful
for people with a high need for security not an ideal scenario
and for everyone not an intuitive, harmonious process of nourishing human expectations
adding a process oriented discipline, like zooming out, or disciplined sidelining and scheduling other important trading tasks like back-testing is a likely cure to not observe markets with discontent