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Trade Execution Mechanics

Execution in its necessity to be not data compressing (=stress=subconsciously switching to intuition=always doing the wrong thing since one follows intuition in a counter intuitive environment) but rather data reducing(=being at ease and following rules) is a process of subtraction

so if you are in your final approach to a possible entry after identifying a pattern prepped through a daily call and so forth needs to be as clearly as possible structured as a chain of process blocks

fuel-"fuel is a go"

oxygen-"oxygen is a go"




CCI-"CCI is a go"

STO pair-"STO pair is a go" 2



liftoff=press the button

so you check of boxes in your mind and the sum of these boxes if successfully supporting your trade, lead you automatically to the push of the button or the abort of the trade execution

so while typically traders are in a stressful emotional and energetically mindset and body state-this subtraction model is energetically supporting you pushing the button not out of stress to have a relief of energies but as a consequence of logical steps that support your willingness to make that push (or clear energy leading you to abort the "mission")

countdown example:

prior to the execution sequence a scan sequence is necessary and it is good to have a cheat sheet since at times ones mind is blank and needs a reminder: scan cheat sheet example:

and most important the trader needs to be in a conducive state for trading (You can't expect to leave the house after yelling at the wife and kicking the dog to have a productive, trading day) NLP is a great way to condition such states and they mutually should be comprised out of action block sequences: Trading state conditioning:



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