The score
There is a vast difference between intellectual knowledge and producing results.
One great saying describes this: "Many have good ideas."
It's so true how everybody babbles about the best next thing, but transforming a thought into an actual product, service, or skill is another thing entirely.
But there is an even more significant obstacle for specific fields.
Music is one of them. Mahler described this: "What is written in a score? Everything but the essential."
Like trading, music is highly complex, and just because you have some sheet music doesn't mean you know the composer's intent or how to play a piece. It requires a deep understanding of music on your end to come close. And as Mahler points out, even the composer's additional notes can only get you a little further to comprehend the musical complexity.
In trading, a third layer of problems comes into play. Most teachers, most of what is written down, is originated by people who aren't traders (failed traders who went into teaching something they have little clue about)
Compared to music, there is no trading school no community of like-minded people who, as a team, try to figure out principles on how to play the piece. Still, a trader instead finds himself surrounded by a competitive field of egotistical personalities, most of whom struggle in one way or another.
That being said, trading has its bag of fleas, one of them being a lonely sport with little guidance and a steep learning curve without explicit instructions.
We do not mention this to make a doom and gloom kind of care but to set expectations straight to avoid additional expectations disappointed and bring clarity about the overall culture to be expected.