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The pillars of trading confidence

pinky bets and runners On October ninth I posted in the trading channel: "right now is the time where one should be carefully monitor ones volume charts since we are right at the cusp where larger time frame players would step in to start their commitments

early bird watches the tape..." I was ready to step into the market for a major turning point to be exploited by my skills And as so often it turned out different than i thought. The following is a good example that no matter how prepared you are there is always a possibility that you are not in a major move

the bitcoin long entry was taking place exactly within the hour where i gave a presentation for PPT on our weekly live call

it is imperative to always be able to step back and be aware that this game is not about individual trades and opportunities

but about consistency only

otherwise the ego comes to the forefront with emotions of FOMO or other limiting emotions that prevent a clear mindedness to step into the next opportunity and the market is an endless sea of opportunities so there are no missed ones

I tried tried the first event at 60k, but was only able to mitigate the risk through financing the trade for a small profit using our Quad exit system

at the second more prominent spot at 59k which was the successful turning point I gave the live presentation.

yet you can always find solutions to any problem and as such when it is about major turning points I always place an insurance play just so i still have a small trade in place that helps me to tame the ego in the event of a "missed opportunity": I posted this trade on the 9th right before the BTC prep:

with the conviction that the larger crypto tuning point would be in motion I took this beta play based on the higher time frame, that's why I posted the monthly time frame which allowed me to step in early with a wider stop and granted me a larger percentage return for financing (8%) today the 10th of October 2024

while this play can't be traded on size it does the emotional bandage of mitigating FOMO and other unwanted emotions since i still feel like a winner

I call these trades the "pinky" bets

from a psychological perspective "runners" fulfill that psychological stability as well

it is these pillars that support ones overall psychology that make trading that much easier and i consider them essential for everyone who is aiming for trading mastery which foundation finds itself in a well rounded overall confidence each day of stepping into the arena of the trading game.



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