It is a process, is a process, a process.
Most people live in fear because they project the past into the future.
=> be in the present
can't accept the risk, problems executing trades, and pulling the trigger
=> Trade much smaller
FOMO, I am late. Prices already turned
=> Reality: there is a constant flow of abundant opportunities in the market
And this list can go on forever about why trading is hard or you can't do something.
Yet there is a solution to all these problems:
Get yourself and your ego and all the parts of yours that are unable to trade for whatever reasons out of the equation
This means it isn't you coming to the market and picking trades
Instead, you are committing yourself to participate in a process where you have predetermined what and when to do a specific action if the market provides for a sum of signals to do so
Build a flow diagram where each of your problems or questions leads to a specific action that you simply follow at the time it arises so you do not get into a stressful, overwhelming emotional situation where you intuitively make the wrong choice.
trading mastery is not to acquire a skill and than exercise that skill
consistent trading is the absence of limiting thoughts in your head due to the focus of a systematic approach following process blocks of "to do" and " not to do" work instructions in a as perfect as possible fashion
It is a practiced discipline of taking one's ego out of the equation and merely doing a repetitive job
So next time you are stuck, find a solution to your problem, and if you can't find it, chunk the problem into smaller units and ask yourself: "But if I knew the answer to this problem, what would it be?"
create a process unit for the found answers and integrate this process unit into your flow diagram of all process units in their relationship to each other
While this might seem a big work task at first, it leads to "perfect execution" and erasing all the emotional battles and all the futile efforts to participate but walking away with consistent losses.
Creating this process map instead is work you only do once, and from then on, update and streamline only.