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How to overcome execution fear

when you have clean sideways calls at the end of a run it always feels counterintuitive to fade a move at the double tops/bottoms against the trend

here are a few helpers to not run into psychological problems for executing these trades

do a lot of back-testing to believe in your calls and their statistical value

simply trade these fades religiously especially on wide double tops/bottoms

try to stack your odds with time nodes and other edges

do not be afraid to enter a tad late on these trades if you were hesitant

insist as always on a previous move to apply the act/react principle for stronger odds for risk reduction

if you decided that one side has an edge do so not intra-day but at time of daily call establishment and most of all have sub category rules for all these additional helping tools to not get into any debate

trade under the motto:"set it and forget it" and do not evaluate trade quality discretionary but rather feel obligated to take the trade if it matches your daily call and your determined sub-rules

more often than not prices first move against your daily candle entry to than be lining up with your fade

and fade the other side of direction only after price has moved through the entire range

and most of all, know what not to do and prioritize that rule of what not to do:




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