How to manage larger cycles

You have not seen me use Elliot wave theory technical analysis or Gann cycles.
The common TA use of this approach indeed isn't something where I found a consistent edge in my personal application due to the degree of freedom within this TA approach violating a general principle rule of mine but rest assured there is much data in this filed that comes in very handy when predicting cycles or dealing as a whole with time analysis and i have integrated some of these principles into my work.
In this field of wave theory I also find K-Wave Cycles (Nikolai Kondratieff) of statistical significance as well as the Kuznets Swing and Kitchin cycle. Time analysis in principle is one less explored within classical TA and as such I emphasized a great deal in this field with my personal principle extractions. I can not really call myself an investor though.
Since larger time frames in principle are harder to predict i solved these time frames more from a trading perspective with the development of a Quad exit strategy that captures trend automatically
and I am cutting prismatically through turning points meaning I cut entry risk to equally small risk exposure as a day trade would have.
In short I see my main field of expertise in solving problems in the counter intuitive space of finance through newly extracted principles.