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Healing beauty

I am sure you have noticed that at times even paper trades gone wrong can cause you to get into an emotional rage completely out of proportion in weight of energy not even money being on the line

all sorts of parts of your inner psychological makeup might be triggered



and so forth

unfortunately repeated unwanted execution errors and alike condition these responses to become stronger and stronger

one way is immediate pattern interrupt

now this seems easier said than done since it isn't likely that you catch yourself while in an heightened emotional state which in principle narrows ones field of awareness, let alone access to an analytical mind of self reflection

one way to have a pattern interrupt is surrounding your work-field with beauty

place in plain sight items like flowers or otherwise meaningful to you within your field of view so you stumble upon them randomly.

They might break your unreasonable state since

surrounding oneself with beauty causes calm and focus, peace and energy alignment with the universe

nature grounds you

nature heals all wounds




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