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grace required

Thirty years of exposure to financial markets have required many adoptions of principle-based thinking to replace limited emotional responses and otherwise ingrained belief-motivated actions that are not only not good for market participation but also limiting to my own existence.

Some of these self-reflections took years to detail the hidden skeletons in my closet and a few more years to tackle the challenges of replacing them with principle-based behavior.

In my personal path, improving self-acceptance, self-love, and self-worth were among the more challenging subjects.

Along with recent market analysis of larger time frames, I am increasingly concluding that we are facing a 100-year cycle with possible overlays of even larger time frame sequences, which requires a particular mindset from those who want to align with the rapid changes in motion. And I am not only speaking about market changes but again as a whole.

For me, markets are a direct reflection of life, my own, with my direct interactions with the markets on a daily basis and, as a whole, like the point in history, we live through.

You are familiar with my top-down approach to identifying weak spots; risk always comes first for me when discussing market strategy.

I have emphasized "check your ego at the door" before, but I am writing to you these words today knowing that this time around, both in life and in market play, a step up will be required.


This word has various meanings, and what I am referring to is more along the lines of choosing to release your worries and remain completely present instead of succumbing to the fear of uncertainties in market participation and in life.

As a result, you experience a profound moment of connection with the market, yourself, and others.

Here's the essence of it:

Grace is one of life's most remarkable gifts—it's the capacity to appreciate every moment, every difficulty, and every setback as a blessing.

It's the understanding that everything you have endured has directed you towards a greater purpose or deeper meaning.

Grace also involves showing kindness and compassion, even in challenging situations, and maintaining a sense of calm and humility.

It means accepting the imperfections in ourselves and others and finding beauty in those flaws. Cultivating grace can be achieved through practices such as mindfulness, gratitude, and empathy.

By being present, appreciative, and understanding, we allow grace to flow more freely in our lives.



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