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good entries are key

why I am so stingy with entries?

when you start trading for the obvious reason that entries come first in sequence the focus lies heavily on solving that problem of when to engage in the market

way to many years later one discovers that entries in comparison to exits have a way lesser meaning since it is advanced exit strategies and knowledge about where and when to get out of the market that is responsible for a way faster majority of important principles in trading.

BUT and this is a huge but-

after a couple decades it becomes evident that true entry mastery gets one in perspective of risk out of a lot of trouble-

This skill isn't an easy to master but once the underlying principles there discovered one gets away with an incredible variety of market behavior that can threaten a position and ones risk calculations of one manages at the majority of the time to pick sweet spots that keep exposure risk to a minimum.

For this reason,


I barely touch anything regardless of what market that doesn't fit very tight entry rules to ensure a performance that warrants for a smooth equity curve



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