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Caring and sharing

As investors, hodlers, traders, scalpers you have endless choices on where you source your data and education.

the most precious commodity on this planet is time.

Selecting where and with what and with whom you spend your limited resource of time is one of the most valuable choices you have to make.

In trading one easily loses ones overview and can quickly get distracted especially from immediate news feeds.

But it isn't information you need, this sounds especially true in a world that is full of useless noise of seemingly important data.

It is principles that get you to consistent results and it is practice that leads towards mastery.

While we teach trading for the reason of increased sample size on small time frames to get frequent exposure to many trades explaining principles it is always the larger picture that is the most imperative aspect where the focus needs to be as a trader.

The trend is your friend!

Selecting the most prosperous trading instruments for the longer term is as such a daunting task for the astute trader/investor.

With PPT now being open for over two years we can proudly say we served our customers well.

While many chop shops lured customers into high flyers with extreme risk exposure and the suggestion of shadow trading, a practice not principle based since it neither provides independence nor is feasible for proper execution, we have managed to get you into trending markets where you had the opportunity especially with the Quad exit strategy to create reloads and runners into a very prosperous environment.

At PPT we care and share. Here are the four trade vehicles we exposed you to:




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