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where to invest your $$$ - where crypto and blockchain is heading

You love cryptocurrency. You love the potential of the block chain.---Here is a thought. Will central banks really switch to digital currency? In my opinion yes-but that will take a while. Will bitcoin truly get higher than 4000. may be but that might take a while. Will steemit replace Facebook. May be but this might take a while. --- So where will the idea of blockchain most likely have its first applicable revolution.What is a huge market worth trillions which everybody needs and nobody minds if it is decentralized.


Security breeches are costly to everybody and the larger the cooperation the more cost that is. Compared to blockchain technology old security systems are dinosaurs . So my advice would be not to put all the focus on cryptocurrency alone but invest where the next true explosion will happen.


underlying principle based human behavior:

Circle of the known I am sure you have all heard of these three steps one has to go through if on a path of discovering something new. First when sharing a hunch or a factual new discovery others haven’t heard of yet, one finds oneself ridiculed and at the spot of disbelief by others judgments. Second if one persists with passion to break through the crust and puts an umph under the verification of the unknown material, to collect evidence and further explorations into unknown territory, one finds resistance of a larger force. In many cases it can get dangerous since the crowd fears change so much, that it rather works hard on avoiding having to look in such a direction of progress, and try to stop, even by force, those who are willing to risk even their lives for such developments towards the unknown. The final third phase in the progression, when the new is accepted by the masses, instead of praise, the person daring taking the first steps and overcoming all the antagonistic forces for his or her newly found, isn’t honored but simply ignored again. Now the crowd claiming this is nothing truly new, rather common and accepted as if had been always there.

So, from an outside perspective the journey into the new and unseen doesn’t seem such rewarding of a task. Even so dangerous at times, from an inward perspective rewards are bountiful, since in alignment with the universes true nature or continuous and never- ending expansion. One can feel how one is aided by these eon old foundations of nature’s law. One way of easing this path is holding back a tiny bit of one’s excitement towards new discoveries. It is hard to do since only true passion leads outside the circle of the known, but with holding back a little the additional doubt introduced by those who are more fearful about progress and change is eliminated. One’s own doubts are quite a handful already, so letting the wake behind the boat show others the trails in the snow for either to follow, or rest in their comfort zones, until it is time for them to accept that nothing ever stays the same.


what i am trying to say is that true market explosions come from the surprise element.Everybody is focused on cryptocurrency right now = no surprise and it is not very likely that central banks will easily give up decentralization of control by creating their own cryptocurrency or adopting bitcoin.BUT they do need good security since that is a win win situation and a first taste for the slow wales to transition into whats unstoppable.

Blockchain is a revolution like the internet was 25 years ago-we will see a transformedd world and as such many opportunities lay ahead and I pointed out one of them.


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