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Focus If you are still reading my posts under "writing" something might have evoked some curiosity, otherwise you would have quit,...
Nature Look around. Beauty- wherever the eyes rest upon. In an amazing array of synchronicities each and every living creature, and to me...
The precautionary principle
The precautionary principle Seriously-they dared calling this a principle- well there were times we thought the world was a round flat...
Circle of the known
Circle of the known I am sure you have all heard of these three steps one has to go through if on a path of discovering something new....
The Flow principle
The Flow principle Taking the road less traveled by and seeking out obstacles certainly provides for a steep growth curve and growth is...
Anticipatory versus reactionary
Anticipatory versus reactionary Right at the same time, I had to drive in my car under a small tunnel on my way to school. It was a very...
Whatever works
Whatever works In my high school years there was a direct path from the parking facility for the students/parents to enter the main...
Relationships From the three most predominant problems on the planet, relationships certainly are the most urgent and complex one. It is...
Planetary Issues
Planetary Issues The main three categories of problems on this planet are relationships, health and finance. Now it could be speculated...
Universal growth
Universal growth Everything is expanding, everything is growing, and when it doesn’t grow it dies at some point. We see this...
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